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Lawsuits Make Lenders Pay for Inaccuracies in Your Credit Reports
With lenders using a composite FICO score to decide whether to extend credit, finance a car, or offer a credit limit increase, consumers are advised to monitor their credit reports. In 2020, consumers are exp...
Impacted By COVID-19? These Grants Could Help Making It Through The Crisis
It's no secret that COVID-19 has affected almost every American one way or another. Even if nobody in your own family has been directly infected by the deadly virus, chances are at least one ...
Unique Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds and Property From the Government
If you think you've lost money, there are many unique ways to locate unclaimed funds and property from the government. Unclaimed money can be found in bank accounts, trust funds, investments, stocks, or ...
Law on Call? Why This May be the Next Evolution of Legal Aide
One of the most common complaints amongst the public is that it can be quite difficult to obtain the services of both a good and affordable attorney. This has led to debates on how the justice system unfairly...
There's A Lot of Unclaimed Property, But Which States Have Most of It?
There's a very substantial amount of unclaimed properties in the United States, totaling up to $42 billion dollars. However, the distribution of these unclaimed properties is not evenly spread across...
Three Meatpacking Employees Sue OSHA for Lax Regulation and Oversight
The meatpacking industry has come under scrutiny recently for its actions during COVID-19. Meatpackers have been sued by their employees for gross negligence that allegedly led to their injury and death...
8 Smart Moves If You Are Struggling Financially
Struggling to make ends meet is no fun, but you're not alone; around 78% of adults struggle with daily bills. Good news, though! There is help available to make things better and get you on solid footing. Here are the...
Catastrophic Wildfires Spark Class-Action Lawsuits Against Pacific Corporation
Labor Day catastrophic fires have raged out of control in Oregon. The plaintiffs, Robin Colbert and Jeanyne James, have filed a class-action lawsuit in the Multnomah County Circuit Court. The...
Clever Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds
There are billions of dollars in unclaimed funds around the world. Unfortunately, the process of claiming it remains a nightmare for most people. The good news is many new and innovative ways to search for and claim unclaimed money. Bes...