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The latest news Interviews, technologies, and resources about unclaimed assets
How to Find Unclaimed Life Insurance Policies: A Comprehensive Guide
Every year, millions of dollars in life insurance goes unclaimed. Beneficiaries often struggle to locate policies or are unaware of their involvement altogether. The problem of ...
The Future Onslaught of CBD Oil Class Action Lawsuits
CBD products have sprung up in large numbers in recent years after they were legalized. CBD is now available in every form imaginable. However, when it comes to this product, legal does not necessarily mean effective. ...
Catastrophic Wildfires Spark Class-Action Lawsuits Against Pacific Corporation
Labor Day catastrophic fires have raged out of control in Oregon. The plaintiffs, Robin Colbert and Jeanyne James, have filed a class-action lawsuit in the Multnomah County Circuit Court. The...
Don't Let the State Keep Your Money: Why You Should Check for Unclaimed Funds in Mississippi
Have you ever wondered what happens to money left unclaimed? In Mississippi, forgotten funds like old bank accounts, uncashed checks, and utility deposits eventually get turned...
Clever Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds
There are billions of dollars in unclaimed funds around the world. Unfortunately, the process of claiming it remains a nightmare for most people. The good news is many new and innovative ways to search for and claim unclaimed money. Bes...
Bucks County Residents: Could Some of the $133 Million in Unclaimed Assets Be Yours?
Imagine finding money you didn’t know you had—like an old paycheck, a forgotten savings account, or even overpaid utility bills. For residents of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, th...
Did Toxic Baby Food Cause Your Child's Autism or Asperger's Syndrome?
At least three class action lawsuits and mass tort litigation is being filed against seven baby food manufacturers who marketed baby food containing high levels of lead, arsenic, mercury, and cadmium. T...
Here Are Easy Ways to Find Lost Money You Need to Try Today
Think about your money for a few seconds. Have you ever searched deep beneath the sofa cushions desperately searching for a few extra coins? Well, you're certainly not alone. There never seems to be enough ca...
Unemployment Benefits Could Change for Fired, Potentially All Employees
Find Your Updated Unemployment Benefits by clicking here. You may be eligible to receive the newest $1400 Stimulus Check! In recent memory, there hasn't been anything in the American ma...