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Business Interruption Lawsuits May Consolidate into a Series of Mini-MDLs

The business interruption insurance lawsuits brought in the wake of COVID-19 promise to keep the federal court system busy for years. There will likely be thousands of complex cases with high-stakes...

Unclaimed Money: How to Locate Extra Funds You Never Knew Existed

Have you ever wondered if you have unclaimed money sitting around waiting to be claimed? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed funds go unclaimed by their r...

$88 Million Up for Grabs in Arizona: Find Out if You Have Unclaimed Cash

Arizona has been busy returning unclaimed money to its residents, with $88 million distributed to rightful owners this year alone. But the big question is: Could some of that money be yours? Read:&...

The UFC Suppressed Fighters' Wages Faces a Class-Action Antitrust Lawsuit

The Ultimate Fighting Championship has faced a new challenge. The federal judge from the U.S. District Court of Nevada, Judge Richard J. Boulware, has granted class-action certification for the C...

Attorney Generals of 23 States Challenge Federal Student Loan Debt

Returning to class action lawsuits against the United States Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, student loan processors, and colleges and universities, a multistate coalition of Attorney Generals calls ...

You're Up for a Surprise: How to Find Your Unclaimed Money

Have you ever wondered if you have unclaimed money or assets just waiting for you? You're not alone. Across the country, billions of dollars in unclaimed funds are sitting there for the taking.  Unc...

Claimitar.gov: Arkansas' Digital Quest for Unclaimed Property

Imagine having unclaimed property that you didn't even know existed. That's the reality for thousands of people in Arkansas, as the state currently holds over $400 million in unclaimed cash and assets. ...

Unclaimed Lottery Winnings: Your Overlooked Fortune

Every year, millions of dollars in lottery winnings go unclaimed, leaving potential millionaires unaware of their newfound wealth. California Lottery officials have revealed that, on average, almost $50 million remains u...

The People's Republic of China Reimburses U.S. Businesses

California businesses filed against the People's Republic of China and the People's Government of the Hubei Province for trillions of dollars lost due to the failure of the Chinese government to contain the d...