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Fired Bloomberg Staffers File a Class-Action Lawsuit Against the Billionaire

One of the more unusual political developments in American history was the brief rise and fall of Michael Bloomberg. The billionaire showered hundreds of millions of dollars in his attempt to win...

COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities

COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities Students had plans for the spring semester. It was the season to meet new friends, attend sporting events, ta...

Have You Ever Overpaid for Jail Calls? You May Be Entitled to Compensation

If you live in the United States and have ever had a loved one in jail, you know firsthand how stressful the experience can be. First, you need to get through to jail staff, which can take quite ...

Unemployment Benefits Could Change for Fired, Potentially All Employees

Find Your Updated Unemployment Benefits by clicking here. You may be eligible to receive the newest $1400 Stimulus Check!   In recent memory, there hasn't been anything in the American ma...

Unique Ways to Find Unclaimed Funds and Property From the Government

If you think you've lost money, there are many unique ways to locate unclaimed funds and property from the government. Unclaimed money can be found in bank accounts, trust funds, investments, stocks, or ...

Don't Let Your Money Slip Away: Unclaimed Funds and Savings Bonds in South Carolina

Have you ever wondered how a state managed to lose track of $1.8 billion? That was a headline that recently caught everyone's attention in South Carolina. Although the money wasn...

Attorney Generals of 23 States Challenge Federal Student Loan Debt

Returning to class action lawsuits against the United States Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, student loan processors, and colleges and universities, a multistate coalition of Attorney Generals calls ...

Unclaimed Money: How to Locate Extra Funds You Never Knew Existed

Have you ever wondered if you have unclaimed money sitting around waiting to be claimed? If so, you’re not alone. Every year, hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed funds go unclaimed by their r...

Here Are Easy Ways to Find Lost Money You Need to Try Today

Think about your money for a few seconds. Have you ever searched deep beneath the sofa cushions desperately searching for a few extra coins? Well, you're certainly not alone. There never seems to be enough ca...