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Fired Bloomberg Staffers File a Class-Action Lawsuit Against the Billionaire

One of the more unusual political developments in American history was the brief rise and fall of Michael Bloomberg. The billionaire showered hundreds of millions of dollars in his attempt to win...

Unfair Competition Cost Keurig, Godiva, and Blue Rhino Multimillions

Price fixing on a propane tank, price gouging by competitors, price fixing with a competitor, or not refunding sales tax when a customer legitimately returns an unsatisfactory product are unfair business...

Washington State the Latest to Announce Unclaimed Funds

The idea of unclaimed funds is something that dates back generations. People unaware that they're owed an inheritance, or some sort of tax rebate, etc, goes back a very long way. Generally speaking, few people ...

How to Boost Credit Score to Get Lower Car Payments

One of the biggest challenges for a person who has low income is getting a low car payment. The individual may have a credit score that isn't in the gutter, but the top lenders still won't touch him. The subprime len...

FTC Cracks Down on Class Action Advertising: Will it Harm Consumers?

In an action that threatens to infringe upon the legal rights of possible plaintiffs, the Federal Trade Commission has restricted television advertisements that inform people of lawsuits against drug com...

Business Interruption Lawsuits May Consolidate into a Series of Mini-MDLs

The business interruption insurance lawsuits brought in the wake of COVID-19 promise to keep the federal court system busy for years. There will likely be thousands of complex cases with high-stakes...

$88 Million Up for Grabs in Arizona: Find Out if You Have Unclaimed Cash

Arizona has been busy returning unclaimed money to its residents, with $88 million distributed to rightful owners this year alone. But the big question is: Could some of that money be yours? Read:&...

COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities

COVID-19 has Unleashed an Onslaught of Class Action Lawsuits Against Universities Students had plans for the spring semester. It was the season to meet new friends, attend sporting events, ta...

Claim Multimillions for Defective GM, KIA, Hyundai, BMW, and Ford Parts

General Motors, Ford, Kia, BMW, and Hyundai settlements are open for new claims of defective engines and parts until April or June 2021. If you purchased or leased a 2011 to 2019 Kia Optima, Sorento, ...