Reconnecting Citizens with Lost Fortunes: Unclaimed Property Clinic Aims to Empower Pennsylvanians

Kelly Cooke
Published Nov 6, 2024


Pennsylvania lawmakers, in partnership with the state treasury, are stepping up their efforts to help citizens recover their forgotten fortunes through an unclaimed property clinic.

This pioneering initiative aims to provide a platform for individuals to reunite with their unclaimed money and valuable possessions, without facing any financial hurdles.

By offering free assistance, lawmakers hope to empower Pennsylvanians to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.

Unclaimed property encompasses a diverse array of assets, including:

  • dormant bank accounts
  • abandoned stocks
  • uncashed checks
  • savings bonds
  • collectible coins
  • sports cards
  • jewelry
  • military medals
  • antiques

While these valuable items are diligently safeguarded in state vaults, lawmakers believe that rightful ownership should be restored to their rightful owners.

The Pennsylvania Treasury Department estimates that over $45 billion in unclaimed property lies waiting to be reclaimed by its owners.

Astonishingly, approximately one in ten Pennsylvanians is owed unclaimed property, with the average claim amount standing at around $1600. In the previous fiscal year, the department successfully returned a remarkable sum of almost $274 million to rightful claimants.

To facilitate the process of locating and retrieving unclaimed property, a representative from the Pennsylvania Treasury Department will be available at the Heritage House in Brookville on Thursday, February 15, between noon and 4 pm.

The clinic will provide a unique opportunity for participants to meet face-to-face with a knowledgeable expert who will guide them through each step of the reclamation process.

State Senator Cris Dush, Senator Joe Pittman, and Representative Brian Smith are the driving forces behind this collaborative effort, working tirelessly alongside Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacy Garrity.

Their shared vision is to eliminate obstacles that residents may encounter while attempting to retrieve their unclaimed property. By providing guidance and support, these lawmakers aim to simplify the process, ensuring a smooth and successful outcome for every individual.

Recognizing the need for a more streamlined approach, lawmakers have recently passed legislation authorizing the Treasury Department to automatically return unclaimed property, removing the need for individuals to search for it independently.

Though this measure is yet to take effect, clinics such as the one in Brookville serve to alleviate some of the challenges associated with the search process.

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